March 29, 2006

the simple prayer of a tinman

staring at skin.
black hair in disarray.
they move in rhythm.
they sway.
like palm trees on the plains of Golgotha.
tearing as they bleed.
swollen with identity.
corrupt puss oozes.
passionate screams
now pained whimpers.
till they become.
just black hairs on skin.
hazardously silent.
they remain.

March 22, 2006

i'm here with you

"i'm SO ANGRY!"

Daphne plucks the grass at a ferocious pace.

"angry like a 15 year-old with acne. but it pains me so much to see them hurt. because they can't understand. and i don't know how to let anyone understand."

Dylan nods as he puts his arm around her shoulders.

"it's so absurd."

"they wanna know what's going on with you," he suggests. "they wanna know their daughter."

"i don't know myself."

"that's what is hard for them to comprehend."

"my intense, wild thoughts. i just need to get them out without killing anything."

she stops plucking the grass now.

he drops a kiss on her forehead.

"there's a lot going on behind the wall of your cranium."

"and i poison everyone around me with it."

"not me, " Dylan smiles," i'm just here with you."

March 20, 2006

wonder no more

i just want to get away
far from everyday
the bullets speak for themselves
and the pain? who can say

wonder no more
there has got to be
someone who knows

vast meadows and sunshine
little girls' laugh and whine
birds chirp as they fly by
the image is alone, sublime

a million whys
them huge bloodshot eyes
pulverising thoughts
amidst hair-raising cries

demolition now a norm
evil grins and ruthless porn
we remain in the caves
all graceful yet forlorn

wonder no more
there has got to be
someone who knows

easy ride

coda queen now be my bride
rage in darkness by my side
seize the summer in your pride
take the winter in your stride
let's ride
- "Easy Ride" The Doors

no one here gets out alive one indeed...

small talk

"hey dude, how're you doin'?"

"do you really want to know, or are you just asking?"


"because if you really want to know, i can start to describe to you how fucked up i am. but if you are just asking, then i can lie to you and say i am alright."


"i hate lying but i don't feel like telling you the truth either."

"see you around, dude."


March 15, 2006

i should have known that i could

"i should have known that since day one
stood on a balcony with my goddess"
thought Dylan, closing his eyes.
below the lit sky.
amidst dark tall buildings.
screams and shouts of people having fun below.

it all reminded dylan of a perfect setting
for a batman movie.

he smiles.
he shifts his smiling head slightly.

"i would want to place her in a beautiful glass tank
just so i can keep her perfectly preserved."


"and i could."

March 09, 2006


crumbling pavement
have i made friends
instructional guide
make love and make amends

one two three
i'll see you on the tree
don't look back now
it's the greatest you'll ever see

i need a blanket
warm and soft
free from thorns and thicket

this sanctuary
is my cell
my six by nine
everything happens here
everything i want
they come and they go
colors they bring
will never escape my synapses

oh the clamour of the crowd
gives way to the grinding mechanisms
enormous clockwork that work beneath
turning and chugging
fueled by blood and oil
sweat and tears
fast foward
taste the champagne
smell the stench
of formidable and rampant sex
the parties and fellowships
numbers and decisions
dive deeper
and drop into the muddy pool
...of world domination...

March 06, 2006

she's special

dylan climbed into his seat. flicks on a switch and Hendrix flows in. humming along, he punches the necessary keys to log in. the vessel lights up.
"good morning, sunshine!"
as the ship's vital readings flash across the screen, dylan frowns. 30.1 units heavier?
"you're early, kid...and you smell good"
"don't i always?"
incidently, dylan knows of only one other Child who weighs that odd much. and she always arrives at least an hour later.
"what's shaking?"
"what's not?"
she's daphne. and she's special.

billions of blistering blue barnacles

blitzed. in class.
my sneezing friend complains. he leaves. he returns.
alain enters. presentations, anyone?

i'm in weird state of being. right now.
not unfamiliar.
a different shade, though.

the hunger of knowledge makes me.
and it breaks me.

sneezing friend talks to quiet hottie.
(she's not so quiet now, apparently)

i want to know everything.

sneezing friend regrets living over 20
before he had the balls to graduate.
i hear him.
i'm stuck.
i'm about to graduate with not enough skills to earn a decent income.

the mumbling continues...

March 02, 2006

i am here

dylan stood at the center of the clearing, drinking in the sunrays.
head tilted back, arms stretched out.
"excuse me while i kiss the sky!"
i am here.