August 18, 2005

look ma, it's my clone!

jo, shaman and i were having an avid discussion on human cloning, its possibilities and its implications. all three of us were from different points of view; whether it was alright, what would it be used for and, of course, whether God is okay with it or not.

now say you were cloned and your clone grows up to be a perfectly healthy human being. he/she sees life just as you see it. emotions, dreams, hopes, tears. all-human.

do you think your clone would have a Soul?

Soul = God-given spirit.

we decided that the only surefire way to determine if God is okay with cloning is to see if clones have Souls. if they do, then God is okay. if they don't, then somebody's gonna get hurt real bad!


~*tembikai*~ said...

now this reminds me of the movie "the island"..if u have watched the would know what i mean....

as for your studying at shah alam..and right staying at seremban...
how about u? =D

[rainchild] said...

nah, i have not seen it yet, but you're not the first with that reaction at the mention of clones with souls...

~*tembikai*~ said...
