August 09, 2005

my vanilla dream

i was at a stadium. i was standing in a corner, watching it all unfold.
it felt like a parade.
there were mascots of all sorts. huge and colourful. all smiles.
i saw a big white bird with a red beak.
the Four Horsemen took the stage.
they launched into song while James fumbled with his f-hole electro acoustic.
James sang standing beside the drums while Lars thundered away.
i saw Kirk on the drums next.
then he looked at me and shrugged.
i was swimming in a music video.

and the song that was playing? MachineHead's "Silver".


~*tembikai*~ said...

why vanilla? ... why not chocolate dream?? *blinking*..hehe

[rainchild] said...

why vanilla?
because i had just smoked vanilla tobacco for the first time before i slept. whether it had an effect or not is anyone's guess...

~*tembikai*~ said... vanilla ice cream pls!! hehehe

[rainchild] said...

vanilla ice cream is nice...