March 22, 2006

i'm here with you

"i'm SO ANGRY!"

Daphne plucks the grass at a ferocious pace.

"angry like a 15 year-old with acne. but it pains me so much to see them hurt. because they can't understand. and i don't know how to let anyone understand."

Dylan nods as he puts his arm around her shoulders.

"it's so absurd."

"they wanna know what's going on with you," he suggests. "they wanna know their daughter."

"i don't know myself."

"that's what is hard for them to comprehend."

"my intense, wild thoughts. i just need to get them out without killing anything."

she stops plucking the grass now.

he drops a kiss on her forehead.

"there's a lot going on behind the wall of your cranium."

"and i poison everyone around me with it."

"not me, " Dylan smiles," i'm just here with you."

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