June 29, 2005

God Is Not on My Side. Or Yours.

The air-cond in the cockpit seemed to be working fine. Yet, beads of sweat trickled down his brow. His eyes are fixated on the view in front of him. His hands gripping the controls with anxious determination. He leans forward against the controls and just before the nose crashes through the windows he shouts, " Allahu Akbar!"

He adjusts shirt and tie before stepping out to meet the camera flashes and the rain of questions. Asked about his thoughts on recent events, he starts describing how devastated he was when he watched the first plane crash through the tower. "This is a war and we are under attack." He looks directly at the camera and adds, "If you're not with us, you're with the terrorists." Just before he waves to the blinding flashes he says, "God bless America."

One eye squeezed shut. The other looks sharply into the scope. He places the crosshair right between the Iraqi's eyes. He grips the rifle tighter as his finger touches the trigger. He whispers, "Let not my Strength fail me. Let not my enemies mock me." He squeezes the trigger.

Hitler simply asked, "Who says that I am not under special protection of God?"

How does God choose whose side to be on? Or does he even bother?
Whose prayers does he choose to listen to? Why?
God herself has said, "Your will is My Will."
Then we complain that God was never on our side.


Anonymous said...

God heals everything in His time :)

[rainchild] said...

yeah, he does, doesn't he? :)