March 02, 2005

coping with class in the morn

a rude awakening, a sleepy train ride, a delayed bus ride and a still delayed entry into the lab. ms wong was cool about it, i think. 'that's the norm with this freakshow', she must be thinking. she nodded her greeting as i entered with a muttered 'good morning, miss'. now completed with the exercise while others (who entered waaaay earlier) are trudging along with, i'm wondering what in God's purple world am i doing here.

attending class at 8am is no joke. especially if you rely heavily upon oh-so-unreliable public transportation. on a normal day, my classes for the day would end at 6pm and i'd be walking through my front gate at 8pm, if i'm lucky. i think i'll stop bitching now...

anybody who would like to relate their public transportation horror tales, i'm all ears...i guess i'm still bitching...


priya said...

Christ, you've become a blogger already - with the bitching and what not =P

I have to take the bus to work tomorrow. Woo. Wouldn't mind it as much if I didn't have to bundle up like an eskimo just to walk to the bus -stop; the sight of my fingers is enough get the lorry drivers going apparently.

I'm just flooding everyone's blogs. Don't mind me

Anonymous said...

Buy a car....easy for me to say eh? Anywayz.... no pain no gain cherie..... hv faith in urself... m sure u'll gt thru dis hurdle :) U're a star :)