March 08, 2005

how far will we go?

how far will we go to express a point? how many times did you find yourself or others repeating themselves when trying to get the message across. what causes this? why is there a gap in communication between ourselves? you try to tell someone something in a particular way, he looks at you acknowledgingly, nods and basically repeats what you just said but only in another perspective. this can prove to be so radically diverse sometimes...too much for comfort. then you stop to wonder about the mechanism behind these things. there obviously seems to be limitations in the way we communicate. but what are they? language? vocabulary? or intellect?
Antares once told me that there would be no reason for any two enlightened beings to communicate (or at least verbally), simply because there is an equilibrium of knowledge and intellect between the two. they both have the exact same mental capacity, knowledge (the Everything, basically) and infinite sight. what reason would there be for them to waste time in smalltalk?
the situation is different when the equilibrium doesn't exist. we find ourselves trying very hard to make another understand what we are trying to say. would such limitations exist if we master telepathic communication? mind to mind communication, bypassing the barriers and limitations of vocabulary and language. i would just have to look at you (or not), and you would know i need the saltshaker...and that is not a metaphor.
i've typed too i need a cigarette.

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